Your Torrensville Chiropractor
Helping build a more anti-fragile you
Our approach
Operating out of Resilient Health in Torrensville, our chiropractic care is a little different.
Dr Stewart is a sports chiropractor who has a whole person approach to all aspects of the body including when it comes to diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.
He takes the time to listen to you, your concerns and together come up with a plan to help solve the problems that matter to you.
Healthcare focused on getting you better, faster.
Our longer consults mean we take the time to hear your story, find out what is causing your pain and help you develop a plan to help you achieve your goals - whatever they may be.
Sports injuries
Rotator cuff strain
Tennis and Golfer’s elbow
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Tendon injuries
Muscle tears
Spinal conditions:
Low back pain
Neck pain
Rib pain
Disc bulges
Headache Disorders
Tension headache
Cervicogenic headache
Exertion headache
Primary migraine
Vestibular migraine
Wrist pain
Patella tendonopathy
Achilles injuries
Overuse injuries
Foot and Ankle injuries
Hi, I’m Dr Stewart
I’m passionate about helping you get better, faster so you can get back to doing what you love.
Dr Stewart Ward - YOUR Mile End Chiropractor
A proud member of the local Adelaide community since 2015 we service the areas of:
Mile End, Thebarton, Torrensville, Adelaide, Wayville, Hindmarsh, Welland, Bowden, Brompton, West Croydon, Beverly, Seaton, Richmond, Marleston, Kurralta Park, Keswick, Plympton, Fulham, North Plympton, Comandilla, Hilton, Brooklyn Park, Lockleys, Kidman Park, Findon, Glenelg, West Beach, Henley Beach, Grange
….and those of our community who travel across town and beyond in South Australia!
Tuesday: 2pm-7pm
Thursday: 1:30pm - 8pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 12:00pm
142 South Road, Torrensville, South Australia, 5031
Phone: 08 8232 0000
Email: stewart@resilienthealth.co